Simulations Generate Communications Success

Today’s dispatch is an entry from the Insider Strategies briefs series. This is just one of the resources you can choose to receive when you join the Communications Community. See the details below on how you can get yours.

Do you want to improve your organization’s media interview and public speaking talents? Try conducting simulations that allow spokespeople to practice what and how they communicate, using the following suggestions:Interview woman camera

  • Set firm learning objectives. For example, is this session for new learners who need more guidance or for experienced pros who need a refresher? Perhaps your executives need to prepare for hostile fire from reporters?
  • Tell any observers what you expect from them. Do you want them to come up with a headline after a practice media interview? Ask questions as audience members? Offer feedback based on performance?
  • Anticipate real world questions that might arise when dealing with reporters, members of Congress, and other audiences (special hint: Don’t shy away from hardball interrogations).
  • Familiarize yourself with the reporters or policymakers your organization will face, and assign members of your team to assume their personalities.
  • Give adequate instructions for each exercise. Make sure learners get enough to understand and execute the exercise, but don’t overwhelm and confuse them.
  • Rehearse one skill at a time to avoid overload. Use separate exercises whenever possible to practice such issues as message delivery, Q&A techniques, and nonverbal tools.
  • Always assess feedback immediately after each drill.
  • Solicit feedback from participants first. Have them focus on their strengths initially, then their challenges.

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