Monthly Archives: January 2022

Stuffy Rooms Lead to Stuffy Presentations

All you’re thinking about is a nice dinner with the family. Or binging that new series on Netflix. Or your favorite easy chair and a good book. But no. You’re stuck in a late afternoon meeting where the temperature in the conference room is cranked up to sauna-like heights. Plus, your mask is making your […]

Reporter Lingo from A to C

All of us tend to toss around buzzwords in the workplace. Whether you work in technology or the building trades, much of your workplace chatter would no doubt flummox the rest of us. Reporters have their catchwords, too. Media relations pros and spokespeople would be wise to get a grip on the journalistic jargon. That’s […]

Haven’t We Met?

You’ve likely heard someone boast, “I never forget a face.” If they are a super-recognizer, they can probably back up that assertion. Do you know a super-recognizer? Are you one yourself? Let’s be clear on what a super-recognizer is since the term is not widely bandied about. These are people who see a face one […]

Avoid the Know-it-all Syndrome

The know-it-all. It may be your boss, a colleague in another department, or the one you work with on a community project. They truly believe their learning curve stopped when that degree was conferred. A snippet of the lyrics from Stevie Wonder’s “He’s Misstra Know-It-All” sums it up nicely: Must be seen There’s no doubt […]