Monthly Archives: April 2019

Communications Training: The Three Vital Elements

Some communications and government relations pros labor under a false impression when it comes to training their C-suite to reach out to reporters, policymakers, and other audiences. They believe that their consultant’s sole duty is to make their executives talk pretty. Guess again. Any worthwhile training endeavor consists of three core elements: Message development Skills […]

Prepare Your Strategic Training Consultant

There are a lot of elements to pull together if the communications training program for your C-suite is to prove of strategic benefit. The groundwork can be broken down into five main categories: Prepare the participants. Prepare your training consultant. Prepare other internal staff. Prepare the training facility. Prepare the training curriculum. Today our focus […]

Priming the Communications Training Pump

Today’s post is based on an excerpt from A+ Strategies for C-Suite Communications: Turning Today’s Leaders into Tomorrow’s Influencers. It comes from Chapter Seven, which emphasizes the value of communications training. There are both logistical and psychological concerns to consider when priming those who will actively participate in any communications training workshop. This applies to […]

Congressional Testimony: The Seven Deadly Signs

In last week’s column (“Your C-suite Is Playing a High-stakes Game”), I mentioned in passing the Seven Deadly Signs that indicate a need for added Congressional testimony preparation. It occurs to me that these need more definition, so here goes. Granted, some are tongue-in-cheek. That aside, I think you’ll find some kernels of truth — […]

Your C-suite Is Playing a High-stakes Game

If your business is typical, you and your C-suite influencers need occasional help preparing to testify before lawmakers. In fact, you owe it to yourself and your company to seek it out if you want to emerge a winner. But where to turn? First, find an advisor who can offer a healthy dose of experience […]