The 30 Day Check Up

Last month’s media, presentation skills, or advocacy training workshop is firmly in your rearview mirror. What is a conscientious communications executive to do now?

Most of my clients tell me they find their foundational workshop to be educational and enjoyable. I appreciate that. Yet the real test comes over time by assessing week by week and month by month how the participants’ skills are advancing.

Assessment Questions

That is the true measuring stick of the benefits gained from the collaboration. A firm commitment to a sustained professional development program is essential, so I encourage clients to schedule a complimentary follow up consultation — a 30-day check up, if you will. It is important to note that this step is an integral part of any program, not an add-on luxury.

Approximately one month after an initial workshop, it is helpful to consider some questions to help ensure the professional growth remains on the right track. Some examples:

  • On a practical level, what part of the consultation worked best or gave the greatest benefit?
  • Which of the tools discussed have been worked into in a real world situation? Which can be put to use during a future opportunity?
  • Which of the participants’ communications strengths simply need to be maintained? Which challenges could stand more improvement?
  • What other components would have enhanced the training experience had additional time been available during the session?
  • How do you see this sustained program evolving as your spokespeople evolve?
  • How can I continue to help you sharpen your communications edge (the more specific the response, the better)?

Implementation Over Time

The check up is offered to ensure communications skills remain healthy, with strengths highlighted and challenges addressed over time. The purpose is to provide a tonic that empowers spokespeople with robust health for their communications endeavors. Such a check up also gauges whether the need is for first aid or intensive care when it comes to preparing for media interviews, delivering presentations, or advocating before policymakers.

One logistical aspect: The follow up session is typically held via video, though certainly can be done in person in critical situations.

Featuring Additional Resources

When reminding clients of that meeting, I also like to include a reminder about how attention to perpetual improvement can help keep them on the path toward reaching their business and public policy goals. That should, in the final analysis, be the bottom line purpose of any worthwhile communications training program.

It is also a good idea to consider resources capable of sharpening the client’s communications edge. For example, I prefer to be accessible, so encourage them to call or email me with questions or concerns as they arise. Also, I guide them to the research reports and position papers on my website (now available to all with no subscriptions and no nags) and to the wealth of content here on the C-suite Blueprint blog.

🙋 What have you found to be your most effective follow up routines? Offer a comment and share your experiences with other C-suite Blueprint followers.

For a deep dive on your communications blueprint, pick up your copy of A+ Strategies for C-Suite Communications wherever books are sold.