Monthly Archives: June 2017

Media Training: Taking the Good with the Bad

Occasionally people ask me about favorite moments and famous faux pas that have occurred during media training workshops I’ve led. Here are some classics from the Barks Communications vault. Now, ladies and gentlemen, the highlights and lowlights. It’s Good News Week A global public relations agency found its communications training capability stretched to the breaking […]

Tricks of the Reporter’s Trade

Reporters are grateful when you prove helpful. They have stories to write, bylines they want to see in print, and editors and news directors to please. But it is naïve to suggest there is not another side to this coin. They thrive on conflict. After all, that is what sells newspapers, generates online clicks, and garners TV […]

How James Comey Can Help You

The hubbub surrounding last week’s testimony of former FBI Director James Comey before the Senate Intelligence Committee rivaled that of John Dean, Anita Hill, and Oliver North in the pantheon of Congressional hearings. I don’t intend to pose an exhaustive review here. Rather, let’s use the spotlight his hearing focused on the Hill to examine […]

Slide Show No-nos

Using slides during your presentations is strictly a matter of personal preference. If you find them useful in a particular situation and you feel comfortable with the equipment, great. If you are frightened by your laptop or simply don’t care for the technology, keep it out of your repertoire. Here is a handy list of […]