Monthly Archives: November 2017

Respect for Reporters: Why It Benefits You

I often ask a series of questions when beginning to work with a client on their media strategy. One such inquiry is, “What is your opinion of reporters?” I find it particularly helpful in smoking out preconceived biases that can get in the way of successful transactions with the media. This allows us to adjust […]

Shaping Your Company’s Magnetic Message

Allow me to share with you one of my favorite quotes from Abraham Lincoln. Reflecting on one of his political opponents, Honest Abe said, “He can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I ever met.” Don’t let this fate befall your business. Here in the 21st century, you need to […]

How You Can Capture the Credit for Your CEO’s Improvement

Let’s talk about the boss (assuming she’s not looming over your shoulder as you read this). I mean the big kahuna—your CEO. Clients sometimes ask me to deliver frank advice to their leadership. The difficulties could range from your leader’s favorite garish tie he sports for every speaking engagement to a penchant for talking about […]

Media Training = Strategy > Tactics

This may be a queasy memory for those of us who have taught teenagers how to drive. We all know that it’s more than a matter of putting them in the driver’s seat and turning them loose, or giving them one lesson and calling it quits. Imagine the carnage on our roads if we took […]