Category Capitol Hill Fly-ins

A Potpourri of Problems

I’ve gotten lots of questions over the years, some basic, some complex. Here is a sampling of the curiosities that run through the minds of participants in workshops and communications strategy sessions, and of the internal experts who advise them. My boss asked me to take part in a media training session. What do I […]

The Evolving Congressional Fly-in

Capitol Hill is open for fly-in business. What are some best practices for arranging your advocacy visits? The National Institute for Lobbying & Ethics offered a recent webinar titled “Capitol Hill Fly-Ins: Getting Ready for Success in 2024” that spelled out in specific detail how best to approach lawmakers and their staffs. Kudos to moderator […]

Essentials of a Capitol Hill Fly-in

Spring brings the crowds to Washington, D.C. School groups and tourists abound (tip from a local: When traveling on the region’s Metro system, remember to stand on the right and walk on the left when using the escalators). One other type of visitor sprouts this time of year: Members of organizations petitioning their elected officials […]

2022 in Review

Fifty-plus posts. That’s the volume of this C-suite Blueprint blog in 2022. Next year will see a similar output. Allow me to highlight some of my favorites from the year now winding down, along with some insights into why I decided to write about certain topics as well as a few additional behind the scenes […]

Navigating Your Next Washington Fly-in

How does your organization prepare for Capitol Hill lobby days? When your advocates arrive in Washington, D.C., to promote your top issues, have you prepared them adequately for verbal jousts with members of Congress and their staffs? You’ll find practical answers in the newly revised position paper, “Five Minutes with Your Member of Congress: Navigating […]

How the Pandemic Changed Advocacy with Tommy Goodwin

Capitol Hill essentially closed. Congressional fly-ins postponed. Visitors no longer able to buttonhole their elected representatives. Testimony often delivered by remote video. The pandemic and its associated restrictions have changed life on the Hill, not just for the solons and their staffs, but for citizens who advocate for their business objectives, their professions, and their […]

Your Capitol Hill Fly-in Is Now a Zoom-in

No question about it. The coronavirus pandemic has created an entirely new Capitol Hill fly-in environment. Face to face meetings are all but impossible in the near term. Everyone has to adjust — your government relations staff, your advocates, Capitol Hill offices, and the consultant you work with to ready your troops. Will this at […]