Monthly Archives: October 2015

Persuading the Whining Executive

Here’s an often posed question from public affairs and communications officers seeking media training for their top executives: “How on earth can I get them to take this seriously?” There are two tracks to this answer, one internal, the other external. On the internal front, you as the resident expert must work to develop legitimacy […]

Routine Questions Can Derail Your Message

Effective media spokespeople realize that it’s not the questions that can get them into trouble, Rather, it’s their answers. How can you avoid Q&A malpractice? Try these suggestions: Anticipate and prepare for routine questions you should expect in nearly every interview. Too often, this is where people get tripped up. Prepare for hot button issues. […]

A Brilliant Conversation

I don’t often write about meetings with clients or prospective clients, or about the business aspect of being a communications training consultant. Why not? First, confidentiality matters to most of the organizations with which I do business. Second, that’s not the purpose of this blog. Today is an exception, however, thanks to a brilliant conversation […]

Finding the Right Communications Training Consultant

When seeking communications training advice, you have several choices. For instance, what are the advantages of a corporate-owned global agency vs. your internal staff? What about a mid-size agency vs. a generalist? And where does Barks Communications fit into the mix? Check out this chart to get a better handle on your alternatives. Barks Communications […]

How Leading Attorneys Attain Quotable Quotes

Media interviews, public presentations, and legislative testimony demand memorable and powerful quotes. By adding some spice, attorneys can make any message stand out above the competition. Here are a few favorite methods for crafting quotable quotes that can help you in the court of public opinion: Stories—Just like in the courtroom, telling an unforgettable tale […]

A Dozen Designs to Raise Your CEO’s Profile

Some executives have natural panache. Take the late Jack Valenti, the charismatic former president of the Motion Picture Association of America. He will forever serve as a role model when it comes to connecting and communicating. The fact is many leaders lack Valenti’s flash. If this is true of your CEO, your organization is paying […]