Tag Archives: presentation skills

Flashing Congruent Signals

Delivering a boffo presentation requires an integrated package. Your credibility depends on it. What do I mean by integrated? It is important to view your talk as an organic whole. For example, your message and body language must not only be strong, but congruent. All signals need to match. Do You Really Love Your Kids? […]

The 30 Day Check Up

Last month’s media, presentation skills, or advocacy training workshop is firmly in your rearview mirror. What is a conscientious communications executive to do now? Most of my clients tell me they find their foundational workshop to be educational and enjoyable. I appreciate that. Yet the real test comes over time by assessing week by week […]

Media Training Gripes

I’ve been specializing in communications strategy for more than 25 years, so like to think I have a pretty fair idea of what works when it comes to media training. I also have a pretty fair idea of what doesn’t. Unfortunately, I’ve seen this demonstrated in some instances. These are more than pet peeves. They […]

Opening the Vault

I’ve recently made some changes to my website. Big deal, right? Companies and consultants are updating their online presence all the time. Why the fanfare? The fact is these new wrinkles augur a change in approach to the services I offer to clients. Oh, media training, presentation skills preparation, and advocacy efforts still top the […]

TED and Me

Some people swear by TED talks. I’ve never been able to figure out the fascination. Sure, some topics are meaningful. Recent offerings like “My quest to end the horror of gun violence in the US” and “The ordinary people doing extraordinary things in Ukraine” sound practical and worthwhile. Then we come to the heaping helping […]

Okay, What’s the Bottom Line?

One of the first questions I often hear from prospective new clients is “How much does it cost?” They may be inquiring about media training, message development, presentation skills workshops, or advocacy preparation. It’s a fair question. Yet until we have a discussion about issues the company faces, its goals, and the profile of the […]

The Illusion of Transparency

I consider it part of my role to serve as a translator for my clients and readers — to place academic or technical jargon related to how we communicate into an everyday framework. Such is the case with a public speaking concept known as the “illusion of transparency.” Sticking to the Basics What is the […]