The Ed-itorial Lineup

New today: Another in the Ed-itorial series, this one titled “Off the Record Is for Real.”

Too many times, I’ve heard supposed experts in media relations express the belief that there is no such thing as off the record. If only they knew. Off the record is a useful tactic when used by communicators who understand the ground rules and with those reporters who have earned trust.

Give a listen at, then add your comment (either here or on my YouTube channel — or, better yet, both) to get a discussion going.

What’s an Ed-itorial?

Ed-itorials are quick-hitting opinion pieces modeled after the editorials you used to hear and see on local radio and TV stations. Broadcast editorials have largely gone the way of the dodo since corporate ownership of much of the airwaves has decimated local news operations. Consider Ed-itorials a humble effort to recreate this former staple of the broadcast spectrum.Use your voice opinion

Why produce them using audio as opposed to video or writing? It’s a tip of the hat to my radio broadcasting background (plus, I have the proverbial face made for radio).

What Topics Do You Deal with?

Anything in the realms of speaking in public, media relations, or advocacy is fair game. Understand that these are opinion pieces, so it’s pretty much a no-holds-barred outlook. You may agree heartily or disagree vehemently. That’s great and, in fact, encouraged. All I ask is that you not hold your opinions in, but share them. Add your comment to the Communications Strategy TV YouTube channel. Or if you see them on LinkedIn, comment there. Needless to say, civility is mandatory.

And feel free to share Ed-itorials that resonate with you with colleagues, both internal and external, to get more voices involved in the dialogue.

Here is just a partial lineup of current Ed-itorials, with more to come:

  • Journalists and Advocates — Two Distinct Groups: You cannot legitimately claim to be both a journalist and an advocate. I shudder when I see LinkedIn profiles like the one who claims to be a “Political journalist & campaign comms professional for hire.” Well, which is it?
  • Searching for a Media Training Consultant? Beware: Your consultant should never use video footage from your workshop to promote their business. If they fail to give you that respect, ditch them.
  • Crisis ≠ opportunity: A crisis is an opportunity. Ha! Forget that motivational pablum. A crisis is a crisis.
  • Look into the Camera: A Zoom tip: Lock your eye contact with the camera throughout the program, just like the experienced talking heads you see on TV.

Is There More?

You’ll find the complete listing of Ed-itorial broadcasts here. While you’re browsing, take a moment to subscribe to my Communications Strategy TV channel, where you can discover more communications insights. That way you’ll never miss a new addition to the Ed-itorial lineup.

Bonus for C-suite Blueprint blog followers: Getting back to the new “Off the Record Is for Real” Ed-itorial, I’m pleased to share with you my research report, Can We Talk Off the Record? Increasing Understanding Between Reporters and Media Relations Experts. Get your copy by making your request in the “Leave a Reply” box below.

Double bonus: Sign up today for the Communications Community and secure a copy of the new research report If You Thought 2020 Was Challenging: The Future of Professional Development in a Hybrid Working World.