Tag Archives: sustained professional development

Media Training Gripes

I’ve been specializing in communications strategy for more than 25 years, so like to think I have a pretty fair idea of what works when it comes to media training. I also have a pretty fair idea of what doesn’t. Unfortunately, I’ve seen this demonstrated in some instances. These are more than pet peeves. They […]

Here’s to Your Professional Development

Those of you who know me realize that I am stickler for sustained professional development (some may call it an obsession or fixation; take your pick). The fact remains one lone communications training session might improve messaging and skills around the edges. But it is no substitute for an ongoing program. To wit: A single […]

Finding Common Ground

Some reporters exhibit a sour look when the subject of media training arises. They may believe a media training program is little more than a consultant trying to stuff spokespeople’s brains with canned responses. Others may think such a program gives their sources too much of an advantage during the parry and thrust of an […]

A Potpourri of Problems

I’ve gotten lots of questions over the years, some basic, some complex. Here is a sampling of the curiosities that run through the minds of participants in workshops and communications strategy sessions, and of the internal experts who advise them. My boss asked me to take part in a media training session. What do I […]

Five Minutes Crucial to Your Public Policy Success

Not every executive has the opportunity to testify before Congress. Those who do must be prepared to the nth degree, for that time in the witness chair can make or break your industry. The C-suite Blueprint blog has 10 years of what I hope you will agree is rich content, so I’ve been revisiting some […]

The Communications Training Triad

Summertime Rewind. That’s the theme for the months of July and August. This blog has 10 years of what I hope you will agree is rich content, so I figured it reasonable to revisit some previous posts. I’ll be revising somewhat to take stock of new developments, research, and changes in thinking. I invite you […]

Okay, What’s the Bottom Line?

One of the first questions I often hear from prospective new clients is “How much does it cost?” They may be inquiring about media training, message development, presentation skills workshops, or advocacy preparation. It’s a fair question. Yet until we have a discussion about issues the company faces, its goals, and the profile of the […]