Tag Archives: Communications strategy

Celebrating a Silver Anniversary

A few days ago I observed the 25th anniversary of Barks Communications. This seems as good a time as any to take a step back and assess where to go from here. Thank Yous Galore First, a look in the rearview mirror by offering my thanks to and respect for fellow communications training consultants with […]

Seizing a Seat at the Decision-making Table with Stephanie Craig

When strategy is the topic, or a crisis arises, who gets called into the corner office for their advice? The lawyers? Issue experts? Financial executives? Sure. Sadly, there is one component often missing — senior communications officers. Stephanie Craig considers that a potentially fatal flaw. Stephanie is a crisis and reputation strategist. She has served […]

Six Major Messaging Mysteries

Constructing a message for key issues has flummoxed many a company. There is no singular best method for crafting a message, be it for a product launch, crisis situation, public policy initiative, or introduction of a new CEO. There are, however, plenty of wrong ways to go about it. What are six of the most […]

Insider Strategies Are Yours for the Asking

I spent a good chunk of the holiday break assembling a series of Insider Strategies resources. The goal of these quick-hitting one-pagers? To help you sharpen your communications edge. More to the point, these thought pieces exist to help you reach your career ambitions and to move your company toward achieving its business and public […]

Reader Mailbag: Questions I Hear as an Author

People seem fascinated by authors. I don’t say this to puff up my own profile. I recall feeling the same way as a reader before publishing my first book. Looking at it from the outside, it does seem a daunting endeavor — writing many thousands of words. Shaping them into a coherent flow. Dividing the […]

A Range of Resources to Keep Your Head Above Water

The past few weeks have been a blur for all of us. Was it really less than a month ago we were all told to stay home? Could it be possible that I have not used Washington’s Metro subway since last month? Why is this monk-like existence beginning to feel customary? My sense is that […]

Five Misunderstood Things About Messaging

The messaging surrounding your company’s critical issues poses interesting challenges. In my experience, there are two extremes. One end of the scale – let’s call it the scardy cat method — finds the effort overwhelmingly hard and complex when, in fact, they make it more difficult than it needs to be. The other extreme — […]