Tag Archives: communications consultant

Answered: Your Questions About Working with Communications Consultants

Securing the right communications training consultant for your needs can be challenging. The right fit is important, assuming you care about your organizational goals. Do you require an expert accustomed to working with Fortune 1000 corporations and large, sophisticated associations? Or are you looking for someone more attuned to small non-profit groups? Do you prefer […]

Caveat Emptor

It can be a challenge finding the right communications strategy and training consultant. It matters who you entrust with your spokespeople’s ongoing improvement. Face the facts. Who wants to lose in the court of public opinion? Even a referral from a trusted source is no guarantee of a good fit. Why is this? One possibility: […]

Six Major Messaging Mysteries

Constructing a message for key issues has flummoxed many a company. There is no singular best method for crafting a message, be it for a product launch, crisis situation, public policy initiative, or introduction of a new CEO. There are, however, plenty of wrong ways to go about it. What are six of the most […]