You Can Judge a Book by Its Cover

Last week I announced the publication of my next book, Insider Strategies for the Confident Communicator: How to Master Meetings, Presentations, Interviews, and Advocacy. It’s set to be released on March 8.

Today I have two other pieces of news. First — ta-da — the reveal of the cover art. The graphic speaks for itself, so I’ll simply say that the clean and elegant design gets across the notion that this book is expressly for professionals seeking to sharpen their communications edge.

Insider book coverYou’re Invited

The second headline: A series of online book launch parties on LinkedIn. In fact, how would you like to be part of the festivities?

Here’s how the launch parties work: I’ll post something about the book on LinkedIn every weekday between 9 and 10 a.m. EST through Friday, March 11.

To participate in that day’s party, some time before 11 a.m. EST that day, do one of three things on LinkedIn once you find the day’s post (if you don’t see it in your feed, simply go to the “Activity” section on my LinkedIn profile page). Then do one or more of the following:

  1. “Share” the post
  2. “Comment” on it (questions are great)
  3. “Like” it
  4. You did it. Wasn’t that easy?!

I’ll respond to everyone’s comments so we can get a dialogue going. Extra bonus: Your participation also stands to increase the visibility of your own LinkedIn presence (the service’s formulas willing).

Come back again the next day, and the next. There is no limit on how many parties you can attend. The more you participate, the livelier the events (and toward that end, please pass along this invitation to three colleagues who stand to benefit from the book).

When you post, I encourage you to use these hashtags:

  • #InsiderStrategies
  • #CommunicationStrategy

I realize you are not likely to be able to attend the party every day. That’s okay. Whether you can make one or all of them, I’ll be most grateful when you chime in.

You’re One Week Away from Your Free Book

Insider Strategies for the Confident Communicator puts key communications ideas — in small, tasty morsels wrapped in one book cover — at your fingertips. These strategies are capable of propeling you toward your career, business, and public policy goals.

As I divulged here last week, the ebook will be forever free. Remember, free doesn’t mean cheap. I’ll stack up this advice against any other ready reference designed for communications and government relations experts.

See for yourself on March 8.

Can’t wait for March 8 and the publication of Insider Strategies for the Confident Communicator? Take a look at these three previous books capable of sharpening your communications edge.