Tag Archives: communication strategy

Attention, Business Reading Group Members

Boy, have I got a deal for you. I know, that sounds like a line from a cheesy late night TV ad. Seriously, I think this is one you might appreciate if you are involved with a business book club or reading group. Such groups typically enjoy hearing from authors, so I hereby volunteer to […]

The Importance of an After Action Review

Summertime Rewind continues as we swing into August. This piece discusses assessing feedback: Examining media interviews, presentations, and advocacy campaigns to gauge how you did. What worked? What needs some extra attention? All in an effort to perform better next time as you work toward your business and public policy goals. The C-suite Blueprint blog […]

Your Consultant’s Responsibility

Communications strategy consultants can – and bear an obligation to – motivate extended learning for your C-suite by suggesting specific steps, both formal and informal. Your executives need insights into why they need to practice after their workshop, understanding that they are not undergoing training simply for its own sake. There’s a much larger goal […]

Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?

Who would you rather do business with? The principled professional or the creepy fiend? In the real world the choices aren’t always that stark. Some shady characters are skilled at concealing their actual intent. Indeed, they consciously work to refine their shiftiness day in and day out. Oh, it’s not always a massive, pull the […]

What Is Your Company’s Most Treasured Asset?

Companies that manage reputational threats sufficiently prepare as best they can and assess their performance afterward in an effort to improve future performance. Leadership takes seriously the need for preparation and review to manage shocks to their reputation’s system. Smart businesses take a comprehensive approach to risk management, taking into account various risks including strategic, […]

What’s It All About?

If you’re a regular reader, you know that I’ve been sharing excerpts from my latest book, A+ Strategies for C-Suite Communications: Turning Today’s Leaders into Tomorrow’s Influencers, here on the C-suite Blueprint blog. My hope is that these passages give you the insights you need to counsel your executives when they deal with the press, […]

Prepare Your Strategic Training Consultant

There are a lot of elements to pull together if the communications training program for your C-suite is to prove of strategic benefit. The groundwork can be broken down into five main categories: Prepare the participants. Prepare your training consultant. Prepare other internal staff. Prepare the training facility. Prepare the training curriculum. Today our focus […]